Saturday, October 26, 2013

Going to Togo!

After talking it over with my husband, we've decided I will be going on the Togo sponsor tour in July 2014!  I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.  I've traveled internationally before, but I know this will be different than anything I'm used to.  However nervous I am, though, this is something I've really, really wanted for a long time, even before I became a Compassion sponsor.
I only have 1 sponsored child in Togo, and East India was actually first on my list of sponsorship tours I wanted to go on, however, the Togo trip is during the right time of year.  It will be during the summer, so my mom will be available to help my husband with our kids (she's a teacher), and there is not going to be an East India sponsor tour in 2014.  
Our ultimate plan is for me to go to Togo with Compassion in July 2014, and then take our entire family to Honduras with the MAMA project either late 2014 or early 2015.  And, whenever the next Compassion sponsor tour to East India pops up, I'd really like to be able to go.  This means we'll be doing some serious money saving over the next couple years to enable all of this expensive travel.  We figure taking our kids to Honduras is a much better experience than taking them back to Disney World ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! That is so exciting that you get to go!!!
