Alphonsine, 4 years old, from Rwanda. Alphonsine lives with her Grandmother, and has no siblings. Alphonsine is in preschool, and helps at home by being good. She like to play with toys.
Alphonsine is growing up in a poor rural area in Rwanda. The HIV and AIDS crisis has severely damaged the social fabric of the entire community, leaving many children without parents. The community, like most of Rwanda, was also deeply affected by the 1994 civil war and genocide. Most families live in mud brick homes with tin or thatched roofs. The terrain is mountainous and covered with eucalyptus and palm trees.
Willy, 4 years old, from Rwanda. Willy lives with his mother, and has no siblings. Willy is not in school yet, and likes to play with toys.
Willy is growing up in a poor rural area in Rwanda. The HIV and AIDS crisis has severely damaged the social fabric of the entire community, leaving many children without parents. The community, like most of Rwanda, was also deeply affected by the 1994 civil war and genocide. This region of Rwanda is known for having four distinct seasons, marked by heavy rains from March to May.
Marina, 5 years old, from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Marina lives with her mother, 1 sister, and 5 brothers. Marina is not in school yet, and likes to play with dolls.
Marina is growing up in a poor area in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The HIV and AIDS crisis has severely damaged the social fabric of entire communities, leaving many children without parents. Many families live in small mud and brick homes with tin or thatched roofs. A typical diet consists of maize, peanuts, cassava, beans, sweet potatoes, and citrus fruits. The country is rich in mineral resources.
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